home improvement

at home with Brooklyn Homemaker

I’ve been saying since the beginning that Brooklyn Homemaker is not a food blog, but a blog highlighting all of my interests and activities. As much as I love cooking (and eating) I also want to share my interests and abilities beyond my skills in the kitchen. Looking back, I realize that about 95% of what I’ve posted so far have been recipes and stories about food and how it relates to my life, but I promise that every once in a while you’ll see something else from me.

The truth is that unless we move to a new apartment, I will probably always post more recipes than other topics. I cook every day, but after three plus years in this apartment I’ve done most of what needs doing here. It’s (mostly) at a point where we’re happy with it and don’t need or plan to change much. I am the kind of person who doesn’t stop at perfection though, so odds are that there will continue to be the occasional changes and updates to our humble little palace and the decor and furnishings within.

Today though, I thought it might be a fun departure to let you into my home and give you the grand tour.

First, the before photos:

apartment before | Brooklyn Homemaker

Our apartment is what’s referred to in New York, and most large old cities, as a “converted railroad.” For those of you non-New Yorkers, a railroad apartment is long and narrow, like a train car, with windows on either end. There are no interior windows because the building is sandwiched up against other buildings, so the only exterior walls face the front and back of the building. When most railroad apartments were built over a century ago they usually had two bedrooms at one end, with a living space in the interior, and the kitchens and bathrooms on the other end. They were built as tenement housing for low-income families, and the bedrooms were set up so that you had to walk through one to access the other. Today though, most of these apartments are rented to young people with roommates that don’t want to have to walk through one another’s bedrooms to access the rest of the apartment. Many have been renovated to move the bedrooms to either end, with the living space moving into the interior. Hence the term “converted railroad”. Our apartment was most likely converted in the mid 90s, based on the materials used for flooring and fixtures.

apartment before | Brooklyn Homemaker

When we moved into this place it was a real mess. These photos are terrible and don’t do the level of UGLY justice at all. I’m really really sorry about these photos, btw. We never planned to share them with anyone other than each other, but here we are. It never occurred to us that I might someday want to share them on the internets, but at this point I’m just glad we thought to take any before photos at all.

apartment before | Brooklyn Homemaker

We signed the lease after the first of the month and negotiated to not start our lease until the 15th. Our lease at our previous apartment didn’t end until the end of the month so that gave us 15 days to get in and do what we could before moving in. We painted practically every surface; walls, ceilings, baseboards, you name it, in every room but the guest room. Sorry, but you won’t be seeing the guest room today, but if we ever do decide to paint in there you’ll get very familiar with that space.

Before we moved in the place had been “freshly painted” with the cheapest ugliest white paint money can buy, with no effort to take tacks or nails out of walls or patch any holes before breaking out the rollers. They also didn’t bother to put down drop-cloth before painting and we spent plenty of time on our knees trying to clean off all the paint splattered on our hardwood floors. The kitchen was especially disgusting and took two full days of scrubbing and bleaching and scouring and crying to get it to a place that didn’t make us want to vom. Don’t even get me started on the backyard. Words can’t describe the level of gross that was happening back there, but I’m going to save that for another post.

apartment before | Brooklyn Homemaker

The thing is, we knew this apartment was going to be a project when we took it. The part of Brooklyn we live in is still (relatively) affordable but we knew that any place we were going to find in our price range was going to be a project. We knew we wanted a first floor apartment with access to a backyard because we knew a puppy was in our future, and even with all the work this place needed, it was worth it to us. If this place were in a different neighborhood or was in the state it’s in currently, it easily could have gone for twice what it did when we signed the lease. And, let’s be honest, I actually love a project. As much as I love complaining about it now, I enjoyed every minute of the torture involved in making our apartment what it is today. I only wish I were putting this sweat equity into my own home instead of improving someone else’s property.

So, without further ado, our apartment:

living room | at home with Brooklyn Homemaker | Brooklyn Homemakerliving room | at home with Brooklyn Homemaker | Brooklyn Homemaker

This is our living room. We chose a pale grey paint for three of our walls, and decided to break it up with a dark turquoise, if that’s a thing. It reads as navy in photos, but I promise it’s a dark blue/green. We also painted a black faux picture rail about a foot below our ceiling to visually break up the space and add interest to the walls. We did the same thing in our bedroom, btw.

Our sofa was the first piece of furniture we bought for this apartment. We picked it out and arranged for delivery from Macy’s before we even moved in. Down the line we might want a sectional, but I like the style of it and it looks nice in the room.

living room | at home with Brooklyn Homemaker | Brooklyn Homemaker

The mid-century end tables were found at Junk in Williamsburg. They were in kind of rough shape when we found them but were cheap so we didn’t mind giving them a little love to bring them back to life. Refurbishing them could have been another post, but this happened before Brooklyn Homemaker and I didn’t think to get any good photos of that process. I basically followed the steps as laid out over at Manhattan Nest, and once I had the materials it was actually fairly easy and made such a difference in making those old tables shine. The one decent photo I did manage to get was of the brass handles, and what they looked like before and after cleaning them with Brasso. It turns out that the main ingredient in Brasso is magic. Behold:

mid century brass hardware| before and after Brasso | Brooklyn Homemaker

While I was cleaning the tables I noticed they were made by the Lane furniture company and, after some research on their serial numbers, I discovered they were made in 1960. They’re in such great shape for their age and they were such an amazing score for the price.

living room | photo gallery wall |Brooklyn Homemakerliving room | photo gallery wall |Brooklyn Homemaker

This gallery wall is made up of old black and white photos of our families and it continues to grow as we find cool new frames and ask our parents and grandparents for more photos.

bar cabinet and seating | living room | Brooklyn Homemakerbar cabinet and seating | living room | Brooklyn Homemaker

We used to have a dining table and chairs in this space but we never used it and it usually wound up as a place to collect coats and bags and mail and crap. We probably sat and ate at the table once or twice in the whole time we had it, and the rest of the time it was just a placeholder that always looked like hell. The seating area that’s there now is so much more comfortable and attractive and wonderful. It’s really wonderful. Really.

The yellow chair on the right is a vintage mid-century platform rocker we bought at a yard sale upstate, and the blue chair was a wedding gift we bought each other from West Elm. Also from West Elm is the bar cabinet between the chairs. We just got this and we totally love it. It fits perfectly in the space and ties the room together in a way we’ve never been able to do before we found it. It also houses all our wine and cocktail glassware and gave us an excuse to start hoarding bottles of fancy booze. Woot woot.

ball jar dry storage in the kitchen | Brooklyn Homemakershelving and storage cart in the kitchen | Brooklyn Homemaker

Since moving in we’ve added this storage cart and metal Ikea shelving in the kitchen. This kitchen has a serious lack of counter space and storage for anyone who cooks regularly, and especially for someone who likes to cook the way I do. The shelving and cart have helped alleviate both those issues, but haven’t cured the storage problem completely. A lot of our serving ware and specialty gadgets have ended up hiding in our guest room.

chalkboard backsplash in kitchen | Brooklyn Homemakerchalkboard backsplash in kitchen | Brooklyn Homemaker chalkboard backsplash in kitchen | Brooklyn Homemaker

You’re already familiar with the chalkboard backsplash, but I thought you’d be happy to see it again.

kitchen and living room view | Brooklyn Homemakervintage spring scales on fridge | Brooklyn Homemaker

I like to collect vintage kitchen spring scales. The most recent addition is this beautiful rusty old egg scale Russell gave me for Christmas. It was used to weigh eggs to determine their size for sale. So cool.

Bedroom and schnauzers | at home with Brooklyn Homemaker | Brooklyn Homemaker

Here’s our boudoir. Oooooh.

Hunting is big in my family and, while I’m not a hunter myself, I do enjoy some taxidermy. Say hello to Barnard. Doris and Betty also wanted to say hi, so say hello to them too. The chandelier was painted white when I bought it but I thought our bedroom could use some color so I picked up a can of spray paint and went to town. Hot pink town.

bedding, side tables and lamps | Brooklyn Homemaker
bedroom side table lamp | Brooklyn Homemaker|

Those lamps by the way, here’s what they used to look like:

bedside lamps before | at home with Brooklyn Homemaker | Brooklyn Homemaker

When Russell saw them at the Salvation Army we actually had an argument about whether he could take them home or not. I refused to let him buy them, and we left without them, but about an hour later he won and made me go back. I refused to let them into our bedroom until he let me paint them, and he was reluctant but eventually agreed. He took a trip to see family in LA one weekend and one can of glossy white spray paint with primer later, they look like fancy white porcelain and we get compliments on them all the time.
God they used to be ugly though. Russell still insists they looked better before. He’s out of his mind. So ug.

taxidermy over bed | Brooklyn Homemaker
at home with Brooklyn Homemaker | Brooklyn Homemaker

That black skull is actually a piggie bank, and I love it more that you’ll ever know. The dresser was given to us by a friend when we moved in. It was painted white by someone who gave it to her, but when it came to us it was looking a bit too chabby chic for our taste. I painted it with some black lacquer oil paint and I think it makes our room look really chic.

antique dresser painted black | Brooklyn Homemaker

So, that’s our place. Thanks for visiting!

I’d like to invite you into our bathroom soon too, but I’m saving that for another post. You’ll just have to wait to find out why.

Kitchen Backsplash Update

You guys. I have a something to tell you.

For someone who cooks as much as I do, I don’t love my kitchen. In fact I kind of hate it. The lighting sucks and the cabinets are hung really high. Like inconveniently high. I’m 6 feet tall and the bottom of the cabinets is at nose level for me.  It also has a serious lack of storage space, and my guest room is filing up with serving dishes and gadgets like my ice cream maker and slow cooker. But I’ve added shelving and a rolling storage cart, and it functions well enough for me to turn out some pretty delicious things on a regular basis. Mostly I hate my kitchen because it isn’t pretty. It’s outdated and cheap and not at all to my taste.

Chalkboard backsplash update | Brooklyn Homemaker

The floors are a pinky orange 90s faux terra cotta, the countertops are a horrible faux granite laminate in a weird speckled yellowy beige color, the stove top is stained from years of use and scuffed from years of cleaning, the refrigerator is right next to the oven and has a big area where the enamel has been scraped off somehow, there are no windows and no natural light, the overhead lighting makes everything look even more yellow, and the cabinets… the cabinets… are… I can’t even say it… honey oak! The horror!

The worst part is that, as a renter, there isn’t much I can do about most of what’s wrong in there. I can deal with the lack of storage. I’ve been living with tiny kitchens since I moved out of my mom’s house. I can deal with the cabinets being hung at an absurd height. I’m tall-ish. But the bad countertops? I can’t replace them. The honey oak cabinets? I know what it would take to paint them, and paint them correctly so they’d look great for years, but I have this strange desire to get my security deposit back someday. Nothing would make me happier than painting the cabinets white and putting in new countertops but that’s a lot of work and a lot of money to put into an apartment that I don’t own.

When we moved in a few years ago we painted the kitchen, and most of the rest of the house, a soft pale grey. I love the clean modern look that the grey gives our apartment, but next to those horrible countertops and cabinets, and with the terrible yellowish lighting, the grey has never looked great on the walls of the backsplash. I’ve been toying with the idea of putting up white subway tile, but I’m not convinced that it would look any less awkward with all the yellow elements in there, and again, it’s a lot of work and money to improve someone else’s property.

Starting this blog and trying to take attractive photos in my unattractive kitchen has lit a fire under me. I just can’t take it anymore. I need to do SOMETHING with the backsplash. Anything. I am fortunate enough to be able to paint in my apartment, so that’s pretty much my only option. So, I’ve been brainstorming. And thinking. And rethinking. And laying awake at night. Thinking. And then doing some soul searching.

Chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker

I tried to think of colors that would compliment all the yellow happening in there. If that’s possible? Red’s really not my thing. I’m more into cooler colors. Blues and greens. Something about the idea of a brightly colored “feature wall” as a backsplash kept me up at night. I hate the phrase “pop of color” and that’s where my head kept going. Like it would look like I was trying too hard to look fun and quirky… But if not a solid color, what? I thought about a patterned paint treatment using stencils or something to look like wallpaper, but it just didn’t seem right to me either. Then, finally it came to me!

Chalkboard paint!


I actually already had a can on hand from a project I did a few months ago. The counters have some black in them so I thought the black walls would compliment rather than clash with them. There’s already a real blackboard hanging on the opposite wall in the kitchen, so I thought the backsplash could look kind of cool with that. Maybe? If I still felt like a pattern would help break up all that black, I could draw one on! And hey, if I hated it, I’d be no worse off than when I started, and would just need to paint over it! I keep saying this, but I’m pretty sure I’m a genius.

Russell left on Friday to visit his sister in L.A. for her birthday. Hi Shannon! Happy birthday! So I set to work.

First I cleared off the counters and removed everything from the walls. Then I scrubbed the walls with hot soapy water. It’s gross the amount of stuff that can go unnoticed on your kitchen walls when you live with bad lighting for a few years. Next I filled any holes with spackle, let it dry, and sanded it smooth. I also lightly sanded the rest of the walls so the paint would really have something to grab on to. I even went ahead and scraped off the failing caulk where the counters met the wall.

Then I got to business. I’ve done a lot of improvements to this apartment over the years so I already had most of what I needed on hand. The paint, brush, roller, tape, spackle, sandpaper, etc. was all in my guest room, patiently waiting to be useful. I thought about painting the adjoining area behind the refrigerator, which I’d painted grey when we moved in, but I decided that no one would see it and that if I didn’t like it, it would be a lot more work to cover it up later. So, using a level as a straight edge, I put a line of painters tape down the wall starting at the outer edge of the hood vent, going all the way down the wall right behind the fridge. I cut in the edges all the way around the project area, then used a roller to fill in the rest.

Chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker

I thought about painting the outlet covers to match because I was afraid the contrast of white covers against black walls would look weird, but I decided against it. I knew I didn’t want to paint over the outlets themselves, so even if I painted the covers there would still be white outlets inside them. I feel like painted outlets and covers usually make a paint job look sloppy, like the painter was too lazy to take the plates off before they set to work.

The one thing I ended up needing to buy for this project was a tube of caulk. The old caulk was really poorly done, and was so old that it was peeling away anyway. So I scraped it off before I started painting and once the first coat had dried for an hour I piped one thin bead all the way along the gap where the counters meet the wall. If you’ve not done this before, it’s really not difficult. Try your best to pipe a thin even bead, and with a wet finger smooth the line and wipe away any excess as you go.  I made sure to buy paintable white caulk, and when I was cutting in I was able to paint a nice smooth line.

Chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker

According to the directions on the can, you’re supposed to let chalkboard paint set for a few days before using it. Then you condition the surface by rubbing the whole thing with white chalk and wiping it off with a dry cloth or eraser. This creates a fine layer of chalk dust over the whole surface that makes it easier to erase in the future. It makes the surface a dusty charcoal grey color instead of the deep black it is when you first paint it, but I think it looks great in our kitchen. For the first week you’re not supposed to wipe it down with anything wet or damp, but after that you can clean the surface with a damp cloth as needed.

Chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker Chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker

I think it looks amazing and I could not be happier with the results. I was nervous that I wouldn’t like it, but as soon as I had everything back in place I felt happier with the look of the kitchen, and once I started cooking in there I felt like my food looked more attractive against the darker color. This was not a difficult project at all and I think the end product is better than I imagined!

chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker

What do you think?

chalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemakerchalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemakerchalkboard backsplash project | Brooklyn Homemaker

And I know. I really need a real camera. I’m working on it.

UPDATE 1/23/14: Since I have a real camera now, I updated some of the “after” photos. You’re welcome.